Monthly Archives: June 2011

The green green grass of home

After all the rain we have had, it might be time to mow our grass as our garden has grown a little bit wild.

The green, green grass of home

A moment of sunshine

I have noticed a familiar weather theme has been cropping up in  some of my blogs posts recently, which is probably going towards fuelling and cementing the British stereotype of always talking about the weather. 

So in keeping with the stereotype, I am starting this post with…in a rare moment of sunshine on Sunday afternoon I was able to nip into the garden with my camera and capture these pictures.

A moment of sunshine 1

We have a number of these Hypericum bushes in the garden, more by luck than judgement.   In the sunlight they are glorious and just radiate and reflect the light.

A moment of sunshine 2

You may have also noticed from previous blog posts that I am not a committed gardener, in fact I more a fair-weathered gardener at the best of times.  Which is probably why we have bramble bushes encroaching into the garden.  We do have the benefit of these pretty white flowers at the moment with the promise of blackberries at the end of the season.

Showers and cherries

We have been attempting to dodge the heavy rain showers for most of the day.  Out shopping, we had to take shelter in Starbucks in town during a torrential down pour to enjoy a hot drink.


We soldiered on during our cricket game on the green, and we were lucky to get by with only one light shower. Though there were a few frayed tempers as people lost their cool during their game. I ended up missing a golden catch which dropped through my fingers, missing a prized opportunity to bowl and catch my brother out.

Always on the hunt for a bargain, we picked up a punnet of cheap ripe cherries which we consumed almost in one sitting.


Playing at 18

My step son has turned 18 this week.  Scary how time flies? 

This weekend will be our chance to celebrate with him and we have friends and family joining us on Saturday.

Playing the Guitar 02

In an attempt to capture a couple of shots of the family I caught this action shot of him strumming his birthday present in the kitchen.

Playing the Guitar 01

I not 100% happy about this capture and I have attempted to adjust it a little using Photoshop, but I thought I would share it as it was in keeping with the guitar playing.


We now have one ripe Strawberry appearing on our plants.  On closer inspection it appear that something has taken a small bite.


Macro Friday

Back to familiar territory today with Macro Friday over at Blogging from Bolivia.  I haven’t participated in Macro Friday for a while due to conflicting priorities, but it feels like coming home.

A white rose

I have been following Laura’s blog for over a year and participating in her collaborative project for the last seven months.  It’s a wonderful opportunity to share a passion for photography with others.

On your bike

Spent a beautiful afternoon in Oxford. The theme of my photographs from today have been bikes.

On your bike 01

Bikes leaning against railings, even when they are not suppose to be there.

On your bike 02

Outside the Radcliffe Library.

On your bike 03

Bikes with baskets.

My friend has just launched a website for her photography and card making business, please feel free to have a browse.

Cute picture of puppies and kittens

Pet Photos by PhotoJaqs