Monthly Archives: June 2012

Pink ephemera

Ephemera are transitory written and printed matter not intended to be retained or preserved“. 

A small collection of pretty pink ephemera, collected together via Pinterest.

Pink postage stamps – Little Frou Frou Fashionista

Carte Postale by Kiss the Berry

Pink emphemera by Kat Warren

Dragonflies are all of a flutter

The canal banks were all a flutter this afternoon with these blue dragonflies.   Fluttering across the tow path and tantalising us as they briefly settled on leaf before dancing off again.



A blustery day with rain showers.  In a brief break in the rain, we wander around the castle grounds to look at the flowers.Rain drops 01

It is funny what tiny details you can miss when you hurry on past.  I didn’t notice the tiny raindrops on the petals until I was viewing the picture later on my computer.

Coastal finds

We took one of our favourite coastal walks along the North Wirral Coastal Park from Moreton to Hoylake. Here are some of our finds from our walk:

Coastal Walk01
A lonely dandelion head

Coastal Walk02
Drift wood

Coastal Walk03
Dandelion head

Coastal Walk04
A desolate shell

Coastal Walk05

Related post:  Coastal Walk

Red, white and blue

The rain just managed to hold off for our Diamond Jubilee BBQ.  Friends, family and food were all on the menu. 

The table was laden with delicious food,  all beautifully coordinated in patriotic colours and styles.

Diamond Jubilee colours 01

The Jubilee Jelly Oranges, courtesy of our lovely kiwi friends, were a huge success with all kids (including the “big” ones).   Apparently you can’t buy blue jelly in the UK, it is only available in New Zealand. 

Diamond Jubilee colours 02

Jubilee flowers

Jubilee Flowers

We watching the Thames Diamond Jubilee Pageant from the comfort of our living room.   Certainly looks cold and wet up in London this afternoon, but it’s good see the crowds of people lining the banks of the Thames, cheering the royal procession.  In keeping with the celebrations, I have my own jubilee bouquet of flowers of red and white roses and blues irises.